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Mouse Insulin,INS ELISA Kit

  • 中文名稱:
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  • 產品描述:
        華美生物所提供的Mouse Insulin,INS ELISA Kit屬于ELISA檢測試劑盒,采用雙抗夾心法定量檢測鼠血清、血漿、細胞培養(yǎng)上清、組織勻漿、細胞裂解液樣本中的INS,其靈敏度為3.9 nIU/mL,檢測范圍為15.6 nIU/mL-1000 nIU/mL。
  • 別名:
    Ins1 ELISA Kit; Ins-1 ELISA Kit; Insulin-1 [Cleaved into: Insulin-1 B chain; Insulin-1 A chain] ELISA Kit
  • 縮寫:
  • Uniprot No.:
  • 種屬:
    Mus musculus (Mouse)
  • 樣本類型:
    serum, plasma, cell culture supernates, tissue homogenates, cell lysates
  • 檢測范圍:
    15.6 nIU/mL-1000 nIU/mL
  • 靈敏度:
    3.9 nIU/mL
  • 反應時間:
  • 樣本體積:
  • 檢測波長:
    450 nm
  • 研究領域:
  • 測定原理:
  • 測定方法:
  • 精密度:
    Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8%      
    Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess.  
    Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10%      
    Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess.    
  • 線性度:
    To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of mouse INS in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay.
      Sample Serum(n=4)  
    1:100 Average % 90  
    Range % 84-95  
    1:200 Average % 93  
    Range % 90-96  
    1:400 Average % 95  
    Range % 90-100  
    1:800 Average % 94  
    Range % 87-99  
  • 回收率:
    The recovery of mouse INS spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section.
    Sample Type Average % Recovery Range  
    Serum (n=5) 98 92-102  
    EDTA plasma (n=4) 89 82-96  
  • 標準曲線:
    These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed.
    nIU/ml. OD1 OD2 Average Corrected  
    1000 2.546 2.598 2.572 2.396  
    500 2.231 2.267 2.249 2.073  
    250 1.745 1.769 1.757 1.581  
    125 1.198 1.163 1.181 1.005  
    62.5 0.648 0.628 0.638 0.462  
    31.2 0.426 0.407 0.417 0.241  
    15.6 0.302 0.326 0.314 0.138  
    0 0.173 0.179 0.176    

  • 數據處理:
  • 貨期:
    3-5 working days



4.7分 - 3 個評價

樣品類型:血漿(抗凝劑) EDTA抗凝劑


稀釋比:其他 按說明書1:200稀釋

產品評價: 我用CSB-E05071m檢測正常lean鼠血漿,1:200稀釋,OD值為0.422,在標準曲線范圍內,絕對值也符合正常濃度。

By 王老師




產品評價: 使用Mouse Insulin,INS ELISA Kit檢測小鼠血清中insulin濃度,OD值為0.7813,在標準曲線范圍內,絕對值也符合正常濃度。標曲見附圖

By 顏老師




產品評價: 我用CSB-E05071m檢測正常小鼠血清的胰島素濃度,OD值為:景景:0.2241,0.2555,0.3090,使用方便,快捷

By 王老師


  • Sample type: Plasma
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: Mice were treated for 35 weeks (=5 cycles) or 56 weeks (=8 cycles), blood was collected from the heart into EDTA tubes, centrifuged and plasma analysed for insulin. Values are given as mean ± SEM. Values in parenthesis give the number of analysed animals.
    PMID: 30664922
  • Sample type: Serum
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: Serum insulin levels at the end of 5-week administration. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. **p < 0.01 and *p < 0.05 versus model group, respectively. Normal, normal mice group; Model, T2D mice group; Met, T2D mice group administrated with metformin at 200 mg/kg/day; GXG-H, T2D mice group administrated with 200 mg/kg/day; GXG-L, T2D mice group administrated with 50 mg/kg/day.
    PMID: 30824102
  • Sample type: Serum
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: Effects of BDE-209 on serum insulin concentration in mice. Insulin level in serum treated with various dosages of BDE-209. *p < 0.05, compared with control group.
    PMID: 30743236
  • Sample type: Serum
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: Polytherapy with reserpine and GLP-1 increases serum insulin levels in STZ-induced diabetes. Note that both, monotherapy with reserpine and polytherapy with GLP-1/reserpine elevated serum levels of insulin compared to diabetic and healthy control mice.
  • Sample type: Serum
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: Compared with the DM mice with OVX, ER agonists including E2, PPT and DPN treatment did not affect the levels of serum insulin ( F(6,27) = 17.240, p < 0.001 for serum insulin)
    PMID: 30201537
  • Sample type: Serum
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: The insulin level is compared on the 18th day of pregnancy. The results showed that mice in the normal group had significantly higher FINS in comparison to those in the normal group.
    PMID: 30341900
  • Sample type: Serum
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: compared with db/+ mice, fasting serum insulin (F[3,20] = 57.196, P<0.01) increased significantly in db/db mice.
    PMID: 29248482
  • Sample type: Serum
    Sample species: Mouse
    Review: Insulin levels tended to be higher in the 35 weeks treatment group (5 cycles) and became significant in the 56 weeks treatment group (8 cycles) compared to the controls.
    PMID: 30823598


  • 最新研究進展:
    胰島素是由胰島的 β細胞分泌的蛋白質激素,用于調節(jié)血糖水平。最新的研究表明,INS還具有抗炎作用,可以調節(jié)免疫細胞的活性,并促進炎癥的清除。INS對心血管健康、神經保護等方面的重要性也得到了更多的認識。
  • 功能:
    Insulin decreases blood glucose concentration. It increases cell permeability to monosaccharides, amino acids and fatty acids. It accelerates glycolysis, the pentose phosphate cycle, and glycogen synthesis in liver.
  • 基因功能參考文獻:
    1. Impairment in the insulin-Snail1 axis may contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obesity. PMID: 30013137
    2. Feeding of high fat diet leads to impairment of brain insulin signaling linked with neuroinflammation. Insulin resistance due to high fat diet associated with biochemical changes in markers related with Alzheimer disease pathology. PMID: 27771511
    3. High INS1 expression is associated with weight gain and obesity. PMID: 29122848
    4. psychological stress impairs insulin signaling and results in hippocampal deficits. PMID: 29970188
    5. Our data shed light on the putative role of Kv1.3 in weight gain and insulin-dependent responses contributing to knowledge about adipocyte physiology. PMID: 29947924
    6. Data suggest that hybrid insulin peptides (HIPs), formed in insulin-secreting-cells by fusion of insulin C-peptide fragments to peptide fragments of chromogranin A or islet amyloid polypeptide, and reactivity of CD4+-T-lymphocytes to HIPs may act as biomarkers of autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes. PMID: 29976617
    7. Our findings, focusing on energy balance, provide a mechanistic understanding of the promising effect of early insulin initiation on lipotoxicity. Insulin, by recovering UCP3 activity, alleviated energy surfeit and potentiated AMPK-mediated lipid homeostasis in skeletal muscle cells following exposure to PA and in gastrocnemius of mice fed HFD. PMID: 29039450
    8. In the present study, the mRNA expression of the two mouse insulin genes Ins1 and Ins2 was investigated in MIN6 cells treated with different concentrations of melatonin, and insulin secretion was detected under the same conditions. Following the overexpression or silencing of MTNR1B, the activities of components of the MAPK signaling pathway PMID: 29207116
    9. diabetic gastroparesis was an aggressive process due to the successive damages of myenteric cholinergic neurones and ICC by impairing the insulin/InsR and IGF-1/IGF-1R signaling. Insulin therapy in the early stage may delay diabetic gastroparesis PMID: 28931726
    10. nNOS mediates insulin- and oxidative stress-induced glucose uptake in skeletal muscle myotubes. PMID: 28666850
    11. Data (including data from studies using knockout mice) suggest that Ins1 and Ins2 are required for pancreatic beta-cell maturation; thus, Ins1 and Ins2 are needed for normal beta-cell development and for maintenance of normal beta-cell function. PMID: 29029025
    12. Despite higher endogenous insulin concentrations following feeding, arcuate nucleus phosphorylation of Akt (pAkt) levels were significantly lower in the pregnant group compared with the nonpregnant group. PMID: 29029017
    13. Our current results reinforce the notion that the AT2R has a physiological role in the conservation of insulin action PMID: 27979738
    14. E4-ORF1 activation of PI3K in adipocytes recapitulates insulin regulation of FoxO1 but not regulation of Glut4. This uncoupling of PI3K effects occurs despite E4-ORF1 activating PI3K and downstream signaling to levels achieved by insulin PMID: 28009298
    15. These data support a role for islet NGF in fine-tuning insulin secretion. PMID: 27424144
    16. PDX1 and ISL1 regulation of insulin gene expression in pancreatic beta cells, was investigated. PMID: 26994512
    17. insulin and aPC converge on a common spliced-X-box binding protein-1 (sXBP1) signaling pathway to maintain endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis. PMID: 28687614
    18. Insulin stimulation of Akt1 and Akt2 signaling in Cystic fibrosis airway cells was diminished compared with that observed in airway cells expressing wild-type CFTR. PMID: 28213469
    19. These data implicate the insulin-FoxM1/PLK1/CENP-A pathway-regulated mitotic cell-cycle progression as an essential component in the beta cell adaptation to delay and/or prevent progression to diabetes. PMID: 28286049
    20. Rac1 activation is caused by membrane translocation of a guanine nucleotide exchange factor FLJ00068 in Akt2-mediated insulin signaling in mouse skeletal muscle. PMID: 27163697
    21. Netrin-1 enhanced insulin secretion by promoting beta-cell Ca(2+) influx and cAMP production. PMID: 27520508
    22. This study identifies AR as a novel receptor that enhances beta cell function. PMID: 27133133
    23. The effects were abolished by using pharmacological inhibition of PI3K/Akt with LY294002 and paralleled by transfecting DCs with klotho siRNA. In conclusion, the regulation of klotho sensitive DC function by IGF-1 or insulin is mediated through PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in BMDCs. PMID: 27808000
    24. Overexpression of either ca-Nfatc2 or ca-Nfatc1 in mouse islets enhanced insulin secretion, whereas only ca-Nfatc2 was able to promote b-cell proliferation, suggesting distinct molecular pathways mediating insulin secretion vs. b-cell proliferation are regulated by NFAT PMID: 27935966
    25. BMP-7 therefore is an attractive candidate for tackling a multifaceted disease such as diabetes, since it not only reduces body fat, but also strengthens insulin signaling, causing improved glucose uptake and ameliorating peripheral insulin resistance. PMID: 28186649
    26. these findings demonstrate, for the first time, that miR-155 is a positive regulator of insulin sensitivity with potential applications for diabetes treatment. PMID: 27711113
    27. Maternal chromium restriction leads to glucose metabolism imbalance in mice offspring through insulin signaling and Wnt signaling pathways. PMID: 27782077
    28. Hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia blunts the Insulin-Inpp5f negative feedback loop in the diabetic heart. PMID: 26908121
    29. Data suggest that resveratrol acts on differentiating preadipocytes by inhibiting insulin signaling, mitochondrial biogenesis, and lipogenesis. PMID: 26968895
    30. elevating nuclear O-GlcNAc increases intracellular insulin levels and preserves glucose-stimulated insulin secretion during chronic hyperglycemia PMID: 26598517
    31. Data (including data from studies in knockout/transgenic mice) suggest INS is required for lipogenic effects of activation of LXRalpha in liver; INS is not required to down-regulate gene expression in ER stress or inflammation (as seen in diabetes). PMID: 26511317
    32. the insulin-InsR signaling drives multipotent progenitors differentiation into lymphoid lineages in early lymphopoiesis. PMID: 26573296
    33. The target miRNAs are closely associated with dysregulation of insulin/PI3K-AKT signaling, suggesting that the Cmah-null mice could be a useful model for studying diabetes. PMID: 25243123
    34. the inhibitory effect of CRFR2 signaling on insulin action is mediated by cAMP in a mammalian target of rapamycin-dependent manner. PMID: 25875045
    35. This study discloses age-dependent changes in insulin CSF/serum ratios in humans. In the elderly, cerebral insulin resistance might be partially attributed to an impaired transport of insulin into the central nervous system PMID: 25965336
    36. adiponectin. Taken together, our results show that adiponectin is stored in a unique vesicular compartment, and released through a regulated exocytosis pathway that is dependent on insulin signalling. PMID: 26330614
    37. LKB1 is essential for mitochondrial maintenance and negatively regulates a distal step of insulin secretion. PMID: 26139601
    38. ubiquitin-like protein 4A (Ubl4A) plays a crucial role in insulin-induced Akt plasma membrane translocation. PMID: 26195787
    39. synaptotagmin-7 is directly activated by GLP-1 signaling and may serve as a drug target for boosting insulin secretion. PMID: 26216970
    40. The paracrine actions of Ucn3 activate a negative feedback loop that promotes somatostatin release to ensure the timely reduction of insulin secretion upon normalization of plasma glucose. PMID: 26076035
    41. Tcf7l2 is regulating proinsulin expression directly via Isl1, Ins1 and indirectly via MafA, NeuroD1 and Pdx1. PMID: 25015099
    42. elevated adiponectin levels improve systemic lipid metabolism in the near absence of insulin. PMID: 25339419
    43. the RhoA/ROCK signaling pathway is involved in insulin release through the up-regulation of Cx36 expression in 3D-cultured MIN6 cells. PMID: 25129107
    44. Analyzed was insulin translation in islets and in INS-1 cells. Insulin translational levels were significantly increased in islets of mice fed a high-fat diet to meet systemic demand, without altering its transcriptional levels. PMID: 25686499
    45. Data indicate that Src homology-2 domain containing protein B (SHB) deficiency causes a chronic increase in beta-cell focal adhesion kinase (FAK) activity that perturbs the normal insulin secretory characteristics of beta-cells. PMID: 25274988
    46. The activation of Cav-1 during the adipocyte differentiation process could facilitate the maintenance of insulin sensitivity by mature adipocytes isolated from additional external stimuli. PMID: 24751908
    47. GX sPLA2 negatively regulated pancreatic insulin secretion by augmenting COX-2-dependent PGE2 production. PMID: 25122761
    48. Diet-induced obesity mice exhibited significant increases in body weight, plasma glucose, insulin, and IGF1. PMID: 24914941
    49. The over-expression of miR-200a in the hypothalamus of obese mice is linked to leptin and insulin signaling impairment. PMID: 24394757
    50. Mouse Ins2 and Ins1 promoters were transiently activated in mouse fetal hepatocytes of embryonic days 13.5 and 16.5, respectively. PMID: 24258027



  • 亞細胞定位:
  • 蛋白家族:
    Insulin family
  • 數據庫鏈接: