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結腸癌是一種起源于結腸(大腸)的癌癥。結腸是消化道的最后一部分。結直腸癌是西半球第三常見的癌癥,發(fā)病率隨著年齡增長而增加 [1]。導致結直腸癌的環(huán)境和遺傳因素促使結腸上皮細胞獲得癌癥的典型行為特征。許多研究觀察到在結腸早期腫瘤病變(如異常腺瘤樣息肉、腺瘤和鋸齒狀息肉)中,基因組和/或表觀基因組穩(wěn)定性的喪失,這很可能是結直腸癌發(fā)生和形成的中心分子和病理生理學事件 [2][3]


圖1. 息肉到結直腸癌的演變序列

*此圖示源自于《癌癥研究進展》[4] 的出版物




● APC(腺瘤性息肉患者大腸癌基因)的功能與Wnt信號傳導通路有關。在正常情況下,APC能導致α-連環(huán)蛋白的降解,從而影響細胞粘附、遷移和凋亡 [5-7]。由于APC失活足以引發(fā)腫瘤發(fā)展,APC突變會影響α-連環(huán)蛋白的降解,截斷的APC片段會刺激結直腸癌細胞遷移并引發(fā)染色體不穩(wěn)定性 [8]。

● KRAS(Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog)是MAP激酶(MAPK)通路的成員,是參與細胞內(nèi)信號轉導的小GTP酶 [9]。KRAS突變會導致KRAS蛋白活性的失調(diào),使其失去GTP酶活性并獲得致癌活性。KRAS基因的第2和第3外顯子的點突變負責惡性轉化。KRAS突變在伊朗結直腸癌患者中的觀察率約為37.4% [10]

此外,結直腸癌中的KRAS突變通常與BRAF突變呈負相關 [11]。Li等人此前證明與低期癌相比,KRAS/PIK3CA雙突變在IV期結直腸癌患者中明顯更頻繁。KRAS/PIK3CA雙突變可能通過協(xié)同作用在PI3K-AKT通路的激活中誘導轉移 [12] [13]。

● SMAD4(SMAD家族成員4),也稱為反對異頭二十面體同源物4,是一種在所有后生動物中高度保守的蛋白質(zhì)。它屬于SMAD家族的轉錄因子蛋白,作為TGF-β信號轉導的介質(zhì)。關于SMAD4蛋白在結直腸癌中的丟失報道范圍從9%到66%(9.3%,14%,66%),它是早發(fā)型結直腸腫瘤和其他年齡組診斷的結直腸癌的共同特征 [14]

● FBXW7(F-box和WD重復結構域含有7)是F-box家族蛋白的一員,構成Skp1、Cul1和F-box蛋白(SCF)泛素連接酶復合物的一個亞單位。它是一個潛在的腫瘤抑制基因,調(diào)節(jié)多個目標如cyclin E、c-Myc、c-Jun和Notch的泛素化和蛋白質(zhì)降解 [15]。


[1] Sigurdis Haraldsdottir, Hulda M Einarsdottir, Agnes Smaradottir et al. Colorectal cancer – review [J]. Laeknabladid. 2014, 100(2):75-82.

[2] Colussi D, Brandi G, Bazzoli F et al. Molecular pathways involved in colorectal cancer: implications for disease behavior and prevention [J]. Int J Mol Sci. 2013, 14(8):16365-85.

[3] Grady WM, Carethers JM. Genomic and epigenetic instability in colorectal cancer pathogenesis [J]. Gastroenterology. 2008, 135(4):1079-99.

[4] Ernst J. Kuipers, William M. Grady, David Lieberman et al. Colorectal cancer [J]. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2015, 1: 15065.

[5] Yang J, Zhang W, Evans PM et al. Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) differentially regulates beta-catenin phosphorylation and ubiquitination in colon cancer cells [J]. J Biol Chem. 2006, 30; 281(26):17751-7.

[6] Etienne-Manneville S, Hall A. Cdc42 regulates GSK-3beta and adenomatous polyposis coli to control cell polarity [J]. Nature. 2003, 421(6924):753-6.

[7] Watanabe T, Wang S, Noritake J et al. Interaction with IQGAP1 links APC to Rac1, Cdc42, and actin filaments during cell polarization and migration [J]. Dev Cell. 2004, 7(6):871-83.

[8] M Toma, D Cimponeriu, A Pompilia et al. Molecular analysis of mutations for the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene in Romanian patients with colorectal cancer [J]. J Med Life. 2008, 1(4): 423–428.

[9] Velho S, Moutinho C, Cirnes L et al. BRAF, KRAS and PIK3CA mutations in colorectal serrated polyps and cancer: Primary or secondary genetic events in colorectal carcinogenesis [J]? BMC Cancer. 2008, 8:255.

[10] Atena Irani Shemirani, Mahdi Montazer Haghighi, Saman Milanizadeh et al. The role of kras mutations and MSI status in diagnosis of colorectal cancer [J]. Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench. 2011, 4(2): 70–75.

[11] Daniele Calistri, Claudia Rengucci, Ian Seymour et al. KRAS, p53 and BRAF gene mutations and aneuploidy in sporadic colorectal cancer progression [J]. Cellular Oncology. 2006, 28: 161–166.

[12] Li HT, Lu YY, An YX et al. KRAS, BRAF and PIK3CA mutations in human colorectal cancer: relationship with metastatic colorectal cancer [J]. Oncol Rep. 2011, 25(6):1691-7.

[13] Luca Reggiani Bonetti, Valeria Barresi, Antonino Maiorana et al. Clinical Impact and Prognostic Role of KRAS/BRAF/PIK3CA Mutations in Stage I Colorectal Cancer [J]. Dis Markers. 2018, 2018: 2959801.

[14] S. G. Royce, K. Alsop, A. Haydon et al. The role of SMAD4 in early-onset colorectal cancer [J]. Colorectal Dis. 2010, 12(3): 213–219.

[15] Hao Liu, Kai Wang, Haixiao Fu et al. Low expression of the ubiquitin ligase FBXW7 correlates with poor prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer [J]. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2018, 11(1): 413–419.